Weekly Residuum 35 - February 2001 B
© photo and text Koen Nieuwendijk

  Foot-note after D(ebate)Day

The Amsterdam Parking Authority has decided after due deliberation that it would be a pukkah idea to add to the attraction of parking one's car in the city, realising that it would be a jiffy to fit each central parking meter with an integrated slot machine, which they could then farm out in exchange for a cut of the proceeds, creating in one fell swoop a brilliant way of legalising fraud. I can see it all: wanna buy a parking token? Over 'ere, guv, this one works a treat, recoup your stake, win the trip of your dreams to a remote island where no-one will be allowed to drive around but you, and then there's always the poodle prize in the form of an admission ticket to the New Rijksmuseum, and what the heck, we'll toss in some frequent flyer miles while we're about it. Park yourself rich!